Concrete Dumpster

There are some items you can’t just simply toss onto the dumpster and concrete is one of them. If you’re planning to remodel your concrete patio with pleasing stone or bricks, you will need a concrete dumpster.

Renting concrete dumpster is a very effective way of disposing your old concrete. Most dumpster rental companies don’t accept concrete and they will fine you if you fill your dumpster with it. That is why you need to ensure that your dumpster rental company accepts concrete disposal.

There are companies in the dumpster market that specialize in concrete disposal. Basically, concrete wastes are not disposed on typical landfills. Instead, they are hauled into designated concrete recycling facilities. If removing the old concrete in your patio entails a huge task, more so in taking care of the mother earth.

Steps to Get Rid of Concrete Wastes

Although removing your old concrete patio is a daunting task, renting the appropriate concrete dumpster is very easy.

  1. Book the concrete dumpster that you need. Dumpster for concrete disposal comes in different sizes. Basically, you need to figure out the parameters of your concrete removal project and the length of time the dumpster will be in your possession.

  2. Fill your dumpster. Once you’ve confirmed your booking with the dumpster rental company, they will deliver the concrete dumpster that can accommodate your specific needs and leave it with you. You can now fill them up while working on your concrete removal.

  3. Call your rental company for pick up. Once you’re done loading it up, inform your dumpster rental company to haul it away. Your rental company will then take the responsibility for proper waste disposal.

Sizes of Concrete Dumpsters

Concrete dumpster comes in wide array of sizes to cater to various concrete disposal needs. However, keep in mind that size dimensions may slightly differ from one manufacturer to another.

  • 5 yard dumpsters – These dumpsters have dimensions of around 10.5 feet in length, 6 feet in width and 2 feet in height.

  • 10 yard dumpsters – Concrete dumpster in this size measures about 10.5 feet in length, 6 feet in width and 4 feet in height.

  • 12 yard dumpsters – This particular size has a dimension of 12 feet in length, 8 feet in width and 4 feet in height.

  • 16 yard dumpsters – These dumpsters measure 12 feet in length, 8 feet in width and 5 feet in height.

These dumpster sizes are ideal when working with small to medium concrete removal. However, you may need larger concrete dumpster when working on huge projects such as tearing up the whole driveway. Roll off concrete dumpster are also available in 20 and 30 yard.

Bear in mind that you can’t put anything on the dumpster, like old concrete. Concrete is handled differently as they are recycled into more sustainable materials to help in caring for the environment. Therefore, choose the dumpster rental company that specializes on proper concrete disposal. These companies will not just provide you with a concrete dumpster but they will also shoulder the responsibility of handling of your wastes.