1 yard Dumpster

There are some small jobs at home outside and in that can be made easier by purchasing or renting a 1 yard dumpster. Dumpsters sizes are calculated by the number of cubic yards that they can fit without difficulty. The 1 yard dumpster is the smallest dumpster available in production: generally contractors will never use a 1 yard dumpster but homeowners can make great use of them! While a single cubic yard may not seem like a lot it’s more than enough space to put weeds picked from gardens, old toys that the kids don’t play with anymore or a few pieces of drywall in the case of making cuts for new electrical sockets. Perhaps the best part about having a dumpster is that there are disposal companies that are willing to pick up your dumpster, dump it at a landfill and return your receptacle when they’re done. This effectively turns clean-up of a small house chore into a breeze!

When the Project Stays Clean

As 1 yard dumpsters are pretty small, the projects that they’re effectively used for tend to be relatively clean. Rather than suffering through mounds of sawdust and debris as with mid-sized and large renovation projects, the 1 yard dumpster is more often used for light yard work and tiny projects around the house like basic carpentry, piping and electric work. Not all waste that goes into a 1 yard dumpster will be clean. Though messy substrates like drywall can get powder all over the place, a dumpster helps keep the mess contained. There are some “dirty” projects that will yield waste that can’t get disposed of inside a dumpster. Aerosol cans, pool chemicals and gasoline are just three hazardous materials that cannot find their way into a dumpster or else the disposal company won’t take your trash. Upon rental of a dumpster, the rental company will usually go over all of the materials that aren’t acceptable. If you purchase, the service company doing the disposal will ask you to verify that no hazardous materials are within.

Small Dumpster – Small Price

Perhaps the greatest attraction homeowners have towards small dumpsters is the price. Mid-sized dumpsters can cost thousands though a small dumpster like a 1 yarder will usually cost under a grand, depending on where you go. These small dumpsters are rated just as efficient at containing waste materials as those used by restaurants and big businesses; they’re just tinier and built for residential use!

Buying Versus Renting

Rental of a 1 yard dumpster will be very cheap by the day as it is the smallest dumpster size available though purchasing one won’t set you back too far and the benefits are clear. Having a dumpster around means that you save money every day you use it versus renting. You’ll still need to pay for pick up but even with rental units, the pick-up/ disposal fees are usually built into the price of daily rental. All in all, buying a 1 yard dumpster is more economical.