Purple Dumpsters

Years ago, there were general landfills where all the waste would go to the same place. With time, people started to realize that the landfills were being filled up to capacity and there much more waste than before. Recently it’s been suggested that all materials that can be reused and should be recycled. The importance of recycling is that the waste can be separated and then directed to different landfill locations. Colors of dumpsters vary from city to city and from country to country but in general, purple dumpsters are located at construction sites for bricks, stones, concrete and asphalt.

Purple Dumpsters – What Goes In

As stated before the definition of the dumpster’s color might be different from city to city, but generally, it’s used to dump construction waste. This means that the acceptable waste for a purple dumpster is brick, stone, concrete, asphalt, drywall, plywood, untreated wood, wood studs, wood joists, wood sheet materials, masonry, metalsand carpetsamong other construction waste. It is important to separate the waste in order to dispose of it properly.In many cases when there is a demolition site, the dumpsters that are used are purple. However, you must keep in mind that private dumpster rental companies have their own dumpsters and many timesthey may be purple but are not necessarily for construction waste.

Purple Dumpsters – What Stays Out

When a construction site or a home renovation site is generating construction waste, it should be disposed in a purple dumpster for the proper handling of the materials. There are many things that shouldn’t be disposed in a purple dumpster. Some of these materials include organic waste, recyclable materials such as plastic, paper, and glass, clinical waste such as syringes, chemical products, oil filters, grease, aerosol tanks, batteries, asbestos, animals, appliances, computers, monitors, tires, batteries, televisions, and liquids, among many other things. It’s recommended that check waste management laws of your city online so you can properly dispose of your waste and be ecologically responsible.

The Importance of Keeping a Clean Earth

The planet has been suffering from pollution and mankind’sbehavior for years. Ever since humankind discovered industrialization, many practices have become into being that aren’t responsible to our environment. Today, there are government agencies that watch over the environment to ensure that people restrain themselves against polluting on both individual levels and corporate levels. For example, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has the mission to protect both human health and the environment. This means that if you pollute the Earth, you are also endangering the health and well-being of others. It is important to look after the environment because it is constantly threatenby irresponsible peoplethat don’t take recycling and proper waste disposal seriously. The matter is as serious as a heart attack and the Earth is feeling the brunt of the blow. To ensure our continued inhabitance on our clean and lively planet we are charged with the stead to keep a clean Earth, atmosphere and environment in general.