Green Dumpsters

Nowadays it has become important to know what materials can be recycled. By recycling your trash, you help reduce the amount of waste generated over the years. There are many different types of dumpsters and perhaps you may have noticed that they are sometimes different colors. Green dumpsters are usually used to dispose any material that can be recycled such as plastic, glass, cardboard, paper, steel, and aluminum. Depending on what city you live in, there might be green or blue dumpsters placed in the alleys for residents to dispose of recyclable materials.

What’s Special About Green?

Green dumpsters are special because that’s where recyclable materials are collected. Whenever you have to dispose of something, ask yourself if it can be recycled.Depending on your answer, throw it in either the general waste dumpster (which is commonly black) or the green dumpster for recycling. If you are unsure of what items are recyclable, you can always make use of the internet and read up on it. Most cities have websites where they provide this information and will give detailed instructions on how to dispose of recyclable materials. Keep in mind that whenever you recycle, you’re helping the environment stay healthy. Don’t dispose of organic materials in green dumpsters as it’s tougher for recycling plants to process materials contaminated with organic waste.

Acceptable Items for a Green Dumpster

Depending on what city you’re in, the materials that can be disposed of in the green dumpster usually vary. In general, the materials that can be recycled include plastic containers, grocery bags, aluminum (cans and foil), glass, steel and paper. When it comes to paper, items that can be recycled are newspaper, corrugated cardboardand phone books to name a few. Again, the laws in your city and the waste management department usually determine this. There are other materials that can be recycled such as reusable batteries but that cannot be disposed of in a green recycling dumpster. It’s important to read more about these types of materials because there are usually places where you can bring them rather than sending them to the landfill along with general waste and polluting.

Putting the Earth First – Remember to Recycle!

Most people are aware of what recycling is and how important it is. The planet is suffering from excessive pollution generated in just the last fifty to hundred years. There are studies that show how the ozone layer has been tremendously affected and that there is a hole that keeps getting biggerevery year at an alarming rate. If man continues to pollute and does nothing about it, in a few years there will be no turning back. The Earth will be completely contaminated with no drinking water and no clean air!That is why it is extremely important that we all put the planet first and start recycling every opportunity we get. You will be amazed when you see how much less general waste garbage youhave once you begin separating the recyclable materials.