Concrete Dumpster Rental

There are several reasons why you need to consider a concrete dumpster rental for your construction site or home renovation project. Concrete is much heavier than regular trash and will need to be treated differently because of the weight. It will also make it easier on the people doing the construction or renovation because they’ll have a place to put broken concrete.

The Kind of Concrete Dumpster Rental You’ll Need

For concrete, you will need a concrete dumpster rental, which is a roll-off container. A roll-off container is an open dumpster with no lid. The size of these dumpsters can range quite a bit and you won’t always need the largest size. Ultimately, you’ll only need however much concrete you will be potentially discarding. If you only have a small amount, you can get away with a smaller unit and save yourself some money in the process. You can choose from various sizes:

  • Small (2 or 4 yard)
  • Medium (6 or 8 yard)
  • Large (20 or 30 yard)
  • Extra Large (40 or 50 yard)

It’s important that you are specific with the dumpster rental company that you are looking for a concrete dumpster rental. Because of the weight load, some companies will not deal with concrete. Others have no issue and charge the same as regular construction and demolition waste. Most services will deliver right to your site and pick up whenever you are ready.

Why You May Need a Concrete Dumpster Rental

Concrete is heavy and can be very sharp. This leads to a very dangerous situation, especially if you are in a neighborhood with small children. This curiosity can lead to safety issues that an individual residence or construction company could be liable for.

If there is a bin for all of the concrete to go into, you remove the liability. With an open-top container, it is easy for the concrete to quickly go in and the bin will ensure that all pieces are safely kept away from children and workers alike.

Concrete Dumpster Rental Cost Factors

Concrete dumpster rentals can be procured almost anywhere. There are several things that will affect the price you pay including:

  • Weight of the load
  • Distance from dumping site
  • Length of time you’ll need the dumpster

These different variables may affect your rate by several hundred dollars. Some companies are willing to overlook the weight load if you are a regular customer or they deal strictly with concrete and construction material. The distance from your site to the dumping site may also play a factor. If you are in a remote location, the chances are, you will be paying a slightly higher rate, or be charged a travel fee. Finally, the length of time you will need the dumpster will affect your rate. If you only need it for a week and you end up keeping it longer, you may incur late charges and such because the company had promised your dumpster to someone else. All of these play a part in your total cost, so it’s important to know why you may get a better rate from another company across town.