Dumpster Locks
You’ve probably noticed that all large cities have a lot of dumpsters, especially around big buildings and factories. You may not have thought about it, but there are actually people that prey on dumpsters because of destitution.Dumpster diving can actually clutter up your dumpster area and breed bacteria. The best way to prevent people from digging around in your dumpster is by placing solid locks on it. A simple lock can save you a lot of money.You’ll avoid spending time picking up messes and you’ll also avoid getting finesassociated by keeping an unsanitary waste management system.
Securing Your Investment
When you make the decision to place a lock on your dumpster, you’reeliminating hassle and you’re saving money. Yourinvestmentisthat dumpster: whether you purchased it used or new, you’ve paid for its use. It’s important to take into consideration that unlocked dumpstersare easy targets at night for homeless people to relieve themselves in and find food that hasn’t rotted beyond being edible. If dumpster divers dig in your dumpster,they’ll wind up leaving a mess that can cost you dearly to clean up. If your dumpster starts getting treated like a public dumpster where you end up paying for other people’s waste disposal, use a lock.With the recent rise in identity theft, thieves prey on business dumpsters where they can get personal and financial information.The best way to avoid these headaches is by securing your dumpster with a heavy-duty lock.
Which Lock is Hardiest?
Some dumpster rental companies offer locks for your dumpster. Most are just regular locks that can be used to lock a gate or a house door; however, the hardiest lock is the one that is intended specifically for dumpsters. The difference between the hardiest and the standard is obvious; dumpster locks have automatic locking features when outfitted correctly before purchase. New automatic locks stay locked all the time until a trash truck driver comes to dispose the trash.The driver simply gathers and liftsyourdumpsterwithout giving any special consideration of the lock and it will automatically unlock allowing the waste to spill out into the back of the garbage truck. Locks like those have been engineered to ensure that waste will not spill out into the street.
Selecting a Locksmith
When you decide it’s time to protect your dumpster by getting a lock, you may be tempted to contact a regular locksmith to have a new lock made. In order to keep your dumpster safe you need a heavy-duty lock that has been specially designed to be resistant to wire clippers and other easy break-in solutions that criminals use (blow-torches, pick kits, etc.). Browse your local yellow pages to see if there are industrial locksmiths in your area. Manufacturers that create automatic locks for dumpsters are a good place to investigate, too. The advantage of automatic locks is amount of time you save and the cleanliness of your dumpster area when no transients can get in!