Dumpster Covers

Due to threat of animals and illegal dumping, many business owners and contractors that make use of dumpsters to accommodate their large volume of trash use dumpster covers to protect their investment. Ravaging animals will unceremoniously leave clutter of whatever food they can pick at within the dumpster. By having a cover you not only prevent animals from being able to get to your trash, you’re also helping to stop the spread of disease by eliminating the possibility that rodents will live in or around your waste receptacle using it as a way to get out of the elements and as a source of food.

Keeping Your Dumpster Sanitary

Regular cleaning is the best way to keep a dumpster sanitary though there should be more to your washing than soap and water. Dumpsters are breeding grounds for vermin and disease if you’re not diligent about their upkeep. A regularly scheduled cleaning of your dumpster should include everything from pressure washing to disinfecting. There are dumpster deodorizers available that sometimes come as spray bottles. Check different varieties of these and ascertain which have disinfectant paired with the fragrant aroma meant to overpower and eat away at the smell of old trash. Another way to keep your dumpster spick and span is by keeping it under lock and key. Using a lockable dumpster cover prevents people from dumping their trash inside. It also keeps homeless people from picking through and using your dumpster as a makeshift outhouse. There are literally dozens of hazards that an open dumpster could fall subject to so don’t take the risk. Get a good cover for your dumpster.           

Covers to Ward Off Animals

Raccoons, birds, cats and dogs all live wild in major areas of civilization near your dumpster. When you have a dumpster cover in place you effectively eliminate the possibility that you’ll go to empty your dumpster one day only to find bags torn and trash strewn throughout the dumpster. Bagged trash leaks and smells badly enough; when rotting food is torn to bits and eaten by wild animals, germs spread quickly. Another advantage of covering your dumpster to ensure that animals don’t get to your trash is that your establishment will be less at risk of rabid animal attack. Dogs, raccoons and many other species can catch rabies and spread it to humans – by denying animals access to food around your property, they’ll be less likely to disturb you or your clients.

Getting the Right Cover

Determining the correct sized cover for your dumpster depends on the cubic yards of space that it can hold. Some larger dumpsters such as the forty cubic yard capacity ones will often have multi-sectioned lids for ease of access. Smaller dumpsters will usually only have one cover overtop that locks on the front side. Be sure to investigate which materials have proven most weather-hardy before investing in a cover. Hard plastic may be cheap but it can easily break after extreme elemental conditions like freezing and heat waves.